Tuesday 8 May 2012


Have no fear SENNHEISER is here! To unveil 2 superior headphones for travelers! Introducing the PXC 310 and PXC 310 BT that is designed for use with portable video and audio players, not only that even for in-flight entertainment system!

The PXC 310 BT also offers Bluetooth connectivity for wirelessly connecting to media players, as it uses apt-X technology to deliver superb sound quality without delay’s wirelessly! Both model features a NoiseGard 2.0 that functions to reduce background noises of trains and aearoplanes up to 90%. To top it up, with the TalkThrough function offered, now it’s possible to hold a conversation without removing your headphones! Cool!

Let me make a run through with you on how it works.  With a press of a button, miniature microphones on the headphone pick up the surrounding noises while an electronic circuit will filter out the sound of voices and allowing you to hear them. Superb tech!

Both models are also packed with neodymium magnets and Sennheiser’s patented Duofol diaphragms with a frequency response of 15Hz to 22,000Hz, with a promise of providing high quality sound. Both headphones are controlled at the earpieces, making you feel like some James Bond thing going on! The earpieces allow you to conveniently activate and deactivate the NoiseGard and TalkThrough functions and to control volume by your preference.

Overall, this is a really interesting piece of tech. Living up to travelers demand and conveniently portable. The best thing is the compatibility with Bluetooth connectivity for wireless connection and even offering for in-flight entertainment system! The design is stylish and looks comfy too. If you are a fan of these fantastic headphones, check out more details in www.sennheiser.com . The PXC 310 and PXC 310 BT are priced at RM 1,239 and RM 1,589 respectively.

Sunday 6 May 2012

The Breathaleyes app.. Safe your Life and Save your Money

Being a party animal has a great responsibility to keep yourselve safe from drunk driving and saving your wallet from fines from authorities. That is mostly what happens if you don't know how drunk you are!

Relating to alcoholic consumption, good news! Here is an application that makes sure you control your drinking! Introducing The Breathaleyes application that looks into your eyes and tell you how drunk you are by using an iPhone camera to detect whether is time to stop before you drop! When I say drop means sleeping on the road side and not remembering what happen to you last night. Bummer!
Besides, it’s also for your own good by monitoring whether you’re too drunk to drive. I’m sure you’re thinking about escaping from police road blocks, but that’s not my point as the most important thing is for us to make sure we reduce the accident rates during such a wonderful celebration day. 

The application’s maker claims that the test is accurate to within o.o2 percent of a breathalyser test or in other words breathe alcohol testing to determine the blood alcohol concentration in a drunk driver, usually used by police force. As for the HGN test, it tracks horizontal eye movements caused by alcohol and its one of the admissible in court in several American states.  The technical term of the rapid movement after drinking or HGN is ‘Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus’.

The maker also describes this as “a condition of the eye indicated by the involuntary rhythmic oscillating motion of the pupil left and right across the horizontal field view”, adding that Nystagmus can also be the consequences of any brain  disease, sedative, stroke or even elevated levels of blood alcohol content.

According to the road safety expert, warns that this hi-tech version testers might let you down. As according to Andrew Howard, the Automotive Association’s Head of Road Safety: “if you test when you leave a pub car park, your blood alcohol levels will rise for about 40 minutes- so you could pass a BreathalEyes test, then fail the real thing half an hour later”. This is also because the kind of Breathalyser that police use on motorist only works about 20 min after the consumption of alcohol and this application works almost instantly. Anyhow, the best solution is still “Don’t drink and drive”, if you are to drink in a party; just make sure you have a driver or alternatively sleep over.

The application uses mobile phone’s camera function to take a picture of someone looking as far as they can to one side, it will then measure any tiny movement the pupil is making. The developer also stress that this application is strictly for entertainment purposes only and HGN may also be caused due to certain medical condition and high altitude.
It a fun and unique application, also to promote safe driving and first hand warning for driving ability to drive.
Most important be safe and drink responsibly!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

How to select a Car Alarm system: A Simple Guide..

These day in Malaysia is not really safe anymore, especially for car owners. Besides accidents and robberies or even CB bad mat rempit gone snatching on innocent peoples properties! Curse them all…

But anyhuuu, let’s get back to our topic of today in my gadget blog: Things to consider when purchasing an alarm system for your beloved car. Base on my readings of most research mentioned that one of the most recurrent crimes is related to automobiles, whether is a grand theft auto or simply breaking on the car window few some items inside a car.

Not much people actually give much thought to car theft statistics until they walk out to the streets, parking lots and they realize that their cars are missing or things got stolen from their cars. This will make them aware of the importance of protecting your car from theft.

There are many ways and common sense method to avoid from being a victim such as locking the car, taking the keys, removing valuables or anything that will look desirable to a thief, follow on with not leaving the vehicle running, keep the windows closed completely and parking in well-lit areas.

Now the above may sound simple but you will be surprised that automobiles related crimes happen due to carelessness and neglect of simple safety measures. Even using a simple steering lock can put off potential theft. However a more effective protection for your car is to install a good car alarm system

Features of Car Alarm Systems

Car alarm system is one of the most important and effective accessories for your car to deter theft. Almost all alarm system works in the same way. It has sensors that detects unwanted invasion and if this sensors are triggered, the alarm will go off to scare thief away and attracts passerby.

Nowadays, there are alarms and anti-theft devices or equipments with tracking mechanism such as GPS and immobilizer. These alarms are more effective but it’s also more expensive as well, by providing a varied range of sensors that can pinpoint a car’s exact location, or immobilize the car completely.

It’s also important to decide if you have a high risk vehicle, and what budget you have for a good alarm system. If you are driving a high end car is strongly recommended to invest in a more expensive device to ensure that your car is safe at all time.

How to choose and alarm system

First thing first, browse through the Internet or flip through magazine to get a good idea about alarm systems and what is available in the market for your car. Among the questions you should ask is:

·         What are the features?

·         Do you want a talking alarm?

·         Do you want a key less entry system?

·         And what are the reviews?

Next! Look at the brand. There are so many brands out there for you to choose and different features that will suit each different individuals. Unfortunately, there are also brands that are not so good or even low In quality. So make sure you choose a reputable brand. Contact the manufacturer for  more information about the alarm system. Brand alarms should provide durability and better service.

Third! Keep in mind the features that match your desire for protection. Choose a model with features compatible with your car.  Review the features with a sales person who is knowledgeable about the installation process, and the various functions to suit your vehicle.

And Finally! Give yourself sufficient time to go through evaluating process before buying a car alarm system. Talk to your friends about their experience and recommendations.

Good luck finding your alarm system!!

Good stuff!

Thursday 3 November 2011

A NeW Player In TowN!!!!

Look out! There’s a new player in town.. I actually meant music player! And not anywhere else than our beautiful country- MALAYSIA!! :) 

For the gadget fanatics out there especially for those who fancy listening to the latest music anywhere they go, the new compact digital music player MP300 launched by TRANSCEND will cater your needs.

It is specially designed to complement the lifestyle of music fans on the go, the MP300 provides 15 hours of continuous music playback on a single charge of its integrated lithium polymer battery!

Not only that, it features a circular pattern, slender design and an ultra-light weight of just 15g, it also comes with a lanyard for easy portability.

The MP300 includes a convenient slide switch, offers intuitive controls that can be operated instinctively with one hand and that eliminate the need for a display screen.

This is going to WOW you off your feet! It also features a convenient dual-colour LED indicator, which notifies the user of each performed action, in addition to signaling battery life and file transfer status.

If you are worry on the compatibility, you can be at ease as its plays most high quality audio formats such as MP3, WAV and WMA, users also benefit from Flash drive capabilities to store or transport documents and picture. What do you think? Good stuff yeh!

To give you even more plus point to this gadget, additional software is not needed! Simply drag and drop desired tracks and other files onto the MP300 via a USB port and Walla! All set to go!

Backed with a 2 years limited warranty, the MP300 digital music player is currently available in 2 capacities of 4GB and 8GB, RM122 and RM 147 respectively. 

If you fall in love with this, check out the website http://my.transcend-info.com and wait no more!

Good Stuff!


Wednesday 2 November 2011

Unveiling the Aztech Wireless-N IP camera

Have you heard of a camera surveillance that enables you to monitor your house anytime and anywhere, offering you cost effective solution with impressive features!

Here is another gadget worth checking out by you gadget lovers. The Wireless- N IP WIPC302 camera that functions as your personal security guard, keeps an eye on your love ones and your home while you are away at work. The camera offers remote view, listening and recording images of your house surrounding through wired or wireless network.

The sophisticated design of the camera has 9 camera browser with DDNS support and its build-in web server that supports real-time live video feeds from your choice of web browser, either from your iPhone, Android smartphone, Blackberry, Tablet or even on your own personal computer.

This part is going WOW you on the features!  The Wireless- N IP WIPC302 tag along with motion detection, alarm notification and infrared LED features, fully allowing you to personally monitor your house 24/7! Capturing videos snapshots automatically and sending it directly to your email inbox or FTP server. In addition, the video is compressed using MJPEG and users can choose between 3 different viewing resolutions respectively VGA/ QVGA/ QQVGA.

If you’re worried about difficulties in installation or being non user friendly, you’ll be surprise how easy it is to set up the whole gadget.  The whole set comes with an Ethernet cable, camera stand, power adapter, warranty card, resource CD, the WIPC302 unit and most importantly an easy start guide.  Generally all you have to do is follow the 3 steps:

1.       Connect the Aztech WIPC302 into your modem/Router’s  Ethernet LAN port with an Ethernet cable, make sure your modem/Router’s internet connection is up, to allow you to access your IP camera via the internet

2.       Connect the power cable to your Aztech Wireless- N IP WIPC302

3.       Connect your computer to the same router wherein your Aztech Wireless- N IP WIPC302 is connected then select launch theWIPC302 utility. Other than that, is just inserting the CD on your CD/DVD driver and start selecting your preferred settings based on your security needs (more detailed explanation on the user interface will be explain in the User Guide).

This really sounds like a comprehensive home security gadget and cost effective investment to keep your home safe from any chances of burglary or just to make sure your children’s at home are safe at all time.

So go to the nearest tech store and check out the Aztech Wireless-N IP camera at the price of RM299(If you know the right place, you can get it for cheaper price .. :) .. Good Stuff!)

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Playing "ShadowGun" in iPhone!!

Making its mark in Xbox 360 is the popular hardcore gaming franchise, the Gear of War have introduced the third person shooter game that have one of the best action, graphic elements and most importantly an epic storyline that will make you jump of your feet for thrill. It’s so addictive; I wish I could play it on my iPhone!
Thanks to the Gear Fanatics in Madfinger Games and the result is the fantastic development of Shadowgun.

Without a doubt this is really an amazing clone and so far this is the closest game to Gear of War that you can find on the iPhone. It seems that Madfingers has managed to develop a Gameloft trick in recreating legal clones of the popular console titles for the iPhone platform and it really show for the get-go.

Shadowgun takes place on the 2350 where you’ll play a mercenary, Slade, given a task to capture a mad scientist, Dr. Edger Simon who has fortified himself in a small planet. The word “Shadowgun” refer to hired guns who work in the shadows for the highest bidder, as they act above and beyond the law as an all rounder baddies.

The mercenary has an android female assistant; you’ll be fighting mutants and robots in your hunt to capture the mad scientist.

The story is not much to shout about but in fact I find it a little unoriginal and that’s what Shadowgun is lacking out, bummer! But I got to give credit for its presentation; it makes up for its beautifully designed game to cater the iPhone! It does have a console-like quality and a lot production works gone to its character and set design. You really feel like you are playing Gear on your smartphone!

Anyhow who care about the story if the game looks and plays like Gears! Am I correct or am I not! But seriously, the sole purpose of Madfinger Games development is to give iPhone gamers the feel and experience of playing their very own Gears on iPhone!

You’ll be hiding behind covers and taking shots at enemies are the bulk of your job here, you have to solve simple puzzles but don’t worry, Madfinger Games has made the puzzles easy to solve to remind in the first place you are here to shoot and kill as many enemies as you can!

And really! There are many enemies to kill. They come in different sizes and shapes and are very well designed. The enemies are smart too, so even on an easy level you will encounter some challenges and that is what you need for this title.  In conclusion, no complains on the lack of storyline. Being able to do some massive shooting and killing on an iPhone is more than enough. This is truly some good stuff!

Gaming details:

Developer: Madfinger Games

Availability: iTunes

Price: US$7.99(RM25)

System requirement: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Requires iOS 3.2 or later

Overall verdict: 4/5(Shooting and killing is most of the fun!)

Dear All Readers...

Dear All Valued Readers,

Thank you for your valuable time spend for reading my humble blog.

I'm Riz and the purpose of me building this blog is share with you my interesting in writting about Tech & Gadgets. Hope my materials will be enjoyable and informative to you!!

Have a great day! :)

Yours truly,